Affiliate Marketing Survey
A problem was detected in the following Form. Submitting it could result in errors. Please contact the site administrator.
First Name
Last Name
Station Call Letters
The CW is in the early stages of a brand redesign which will include delivery of an affiliate package for use outside of network time (excluding news). Would you use this package?
We may use certain elements
We are a CW PLUS Market
If you answered no, please elaborate:
How long would it take your station to implement a new package on your air?
One Month
6-8 Weeks
Longer than 8 Weeks
We are a CW PLUS Market
What’s your preferred promo length when promoting CW programs? Select up to 3 lengths
Are you pleased with the direction of The CW’s programming strategy?
If you answered no, please provide additional feedback:
ACC Sports: Is your station utilizing the weekly matchup assets we provide? (full screen graphics, snipe, animated graphics and videos for digital platforms)
If you answered no, please let us know what you would like to see:
Do you want more sponsorable promos?
No, our sales department doesn't use them
If you answered yes, please let us know what you would like to see:
Please provide feedback on what kind of sponsorable content would be used by your sales department:
How would you rate the support your station has received from The CW Affiliate Marketing team?
First Rate
Needs Improvement
Do you read our affiliate newsletter, The CW Insider, and find it valuable?
If you answered no, please provide additional feedback:
Please provide any specific feedback on the creative we provide and our delivery process:
General Feedback - Please let us know if there is anything that can use improvement or things you really like.
Thank you for your feedback!
The Affiliate Marketing team will contact you directly with any follow-up questions.